
  1. Add your site (url, category, language).
  2. Search available link inventory based on desired specs (price, category, age, PR,etc).
  3. Select links, configure url/keyword combos and tell us when to publish.
  4. Our writers will prepare and distribute a 300-500 word post to the selected site with embedded media and your link in the first 100 words.
  5. We will monitor your links on a regular basis to ensure the link remains active, and there are no changes with the publisher site (page rank loss, deindexing, etc).


  1. Add your WordPress site (url, category, language, max links, and price).
  2. We’ll add your site to our inventory for potential advertisers.
  3. When an advertiser buys a link, we’ll write a 300-500 word post and automatically post to your site along with the advertiser’s link.
  4. At the end of each month, we’ll total up your earnings, deduct our commission, and send you a payment.